La Jolla Pharma的Giapreza在晚期研究中显示对血管扩张性休克患者有治疗益处

2020-04-01 14:24:21 作者:
一项来自Laoslla Pharmaceutical(NASDAQ:LJPC)GIAPREZA(血管紧张素II)的3期临床试验ATHOS-3对高输出血管舒张性休克患者的评估结果显示出治疗益处。结果将在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的重症监护医学学会第47届重症监护大会上发表。APACHEII得分> 30(ICU死亡率得分)且基线MAP的患者< 65 mmHg (very low mean arterial pressure) receiving GIAPREZA experienced a mortality rate at day 28 of 51.8% (n=30/58) compared to 70.8% (n=46/65) for placebo (p=0.037).The treatment effect from GIAPREZA in patients with MAP < 65 mmHg was also greater than placebo (28-day mortality 54.2% vs. 70.4%, respectively), but the separation fell short of statistical significance (p=0.10).The FDA approved GIAPREZA for the treatment of adults with septic shock or other distributive shock in December 2017.Previously: La Jolla"s LJPC-501 achieves primary endpoint in late-stage study in patients with life-threatening drop in blood pressure; shares down 10% premarket on disappointing effect on mortality (May 22, 2017)Now read: Daily Insider Ratings Round Up 2/>0/18: BH,DM,LGCY,LJPC,MCHX,SNAP,ZBH原始文章

